Saturday, September 3, 2011

A prayer of a broken heart

My chosen path...

There is a path I have taken, 
a slope upwards, winding and curving,
there is a milestone on every bend,
reminding the distance is much to go,
but I tread on with a cheer for the thrill 
of the hardships to come, the rocks to climb,
the great view on the top for me to pause and unwind.

I do stop sometimes for a breath for a sigh,
to revel on the thought of someone in hindsight,
who gave me the thought of this great climb,
but who left me en route for a cause,
a noble thought perhaps a sacrifice.

I say a silent prayer, for her, for all I love,
my friends, my family, myself,
for things undone, they will make me come through
on my valiant attempt, on my great climb.

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