Monday, March 23, 2015

the undiscovered truth....!

Been a while since I wrote my last blog. Have been exercising my grey cells introspecting, seeking answers to things that usually people with no particular occupation can invest time thinking. And I’ve been relentlessly doing exactly that….. But then it has kind of paid off you see, as after much pondering, this life changing truth has flashed upon me....I’d love to share that with you…

Have you ever thought about or observed closely, the act of Love-Making? Precisely I would like to think of it between two people, preferrably boy-girl (can also be girl–girl or boy-boy….you may please suit your self). So love making is one of the exciting aspects between two individuals involved in love/relationship, that goes through several interesting phases. That’s what we are now going to touch upon (Oh no if you are thinking this is my version of 'Fifty shades of Grey' then you’ll be disappointed)… nevertheless this read will surely leave you with your thinking hats on….

So we all may have read the mushy Mills & Boons kind of stuff where the author takes about several chapters to build up curiosity getting to the ‘First Kiss’ and  then moving to second base is basically lot more felling of trees and ink wasted….….Good news is, we’re in digital age….and doing all of that build up in just about 2 paragraphs….yay! 

So…..between the two involved in a romantic relationship, usually it’s the boy who makes the first advances (not being anti-feminist or anything, just that its more exciting this way) apprehensively though, testing the waters very cautiously - while on other side, the girl is kind of taking things at slow pace, anticipating and hoping for the golden moment to arrive anytime, though not making it obvious. Certainly there is fear….of getting turned down and rejected which is indeed a very big deal for a guy…but somehow he wants to take that chance, because he knows that whatever he thrives to achieve will be worthwhile ….wow, so much adrenalin rush….!

So with a bag full of emotions like curiosity, excitement, apprehension, fear, doubt etc., he gathers much courage and then happens the kiss…if the girl resists the boy knows he’s not to go beyond…but depending upon equation between the two, he takes a leap of faith and makes another bold attempt and probably by now the girl has made the decision of allowing herslef to plunge into the partly known and partly unknown wonderland….

As this transaction progresses there is this exciting medley of advances–resistance; some are just for fun and some are out of fear….but slowly there’s a sense of trust and confidence that builds in as they start to undress each other, slowly undoing the layers of clothing… the end when they have left not a thing that covers their bodies….they encounter their true selves in their real element….all naked and pure….exactly how God had created them! And this nakedness, is most beautiful and authentic form that can be experienced….. leaving the two in the most elated and blissful state.

This is the real truth…..God has created each one of us with so much love and purity….and it’s a shame we spend all our energies and resources collecting clothing and other adornments to cover it all up with so many layers….

Ever wondered what if we treated our relationships like an act of love-making……? Lets see how we  usually interact with our loved ones…..lets delve into this bit more…

Well, we all do have transactions similar to the initial ones where the boy and girl make apprehensive moves, advancing to next steps slowly and gradually progressing into the act…..But somehow transactions in our relationships get stuck after initial few stages….. and then struggle to move ahead and evolve…..and we end up assuming that the relationship has reached its peak……that dear reader is a myth…!

If we were to understand it deeper, the fact we seem to not know is that as we grow up, we keep building these layers of clothing around us…..these are a whole lot of unneccessary things like – insecurities, arrogance, cynicism, hatred, doubt, past experiences and the most harmful…. ‘fear’. All these layers together create the ‘Ego’ which distinguishes us from each other…. Over time, we feed all these layers and make the ego stronger, for it to swell up standing as a tall wall around us…..We become comfortable within these layers of giving more importance to this false entity we have formed of ourselves…..we become so obssesed with this layered clothing and rarely let go of the coverings….as we make newer acquaintances and enter into relationships, we choose to cover or uncover these selectively and sometimes allow others to do that intentionally or ignorantly….

But what we fail to realise is that we engulf ourselves so much into these layers with the strongest being fear, that we refuse to experience love and bliss in its true form..

In reality, if at all we let some of our transactions with the loved ones be like that of the act of love making……which is more like a roller coster ride…remember the medley of advances and resistance…imagine what fun that would be....

How about giving ourselves a chance, how about making conscious efforts to push ourselves out of this comfortable Ego zone- taking a big leap of faith by letting ourselves in the most vulnerable state, allowing another person to undo these layers one by one, dropping guard to see the naked self …..unravelling the real you, the true Soul…..the purest form created by God…. And once we have done that to each other in the relationship, there’s way too much room to exeperience the purest form of togetherness, love and bliss….

Just the way God has meant for it to be!!

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